Use any CMM software to drive your CMM hardware
What is CMMediator?
CMMediator is a disruptive software that enables CMM owners to work with any CMM client software of their choice, while keeping their existing CMM hardware and controller in place (no retrofit).
CMMeditor can drive all leading CMM brands and models with any CMM client software. For example: CMMMediator enables PC-DMIS part programs to drive a Mitutoyo machine as if it was a Hexagon machine, MCOSMOS to drive any Zeiss machine as if it was a Mitutoyo machine, Calypso to drive any Hexagon machine as if it was Zeiss machine, etc.
CMMediator supports both tactile and scanning touch probes as well as line laser heads of Kreon.
How does it work?
On one side, CMMediator acts as a universal I++ server, so the CMM client software can use its I++ client module to send its I++ driving and measuring commands to CMMediator. On the other side, the user configures CMMediator to connect with the CMM controller and also defines the probe heads and sensors to work with.<br> Then the magic begins: the part program of the chosen CMM software sends I++ commands to CMMediator, which converts them, in real-time, to the proprietary driver commands of the CMM controller, and thus executes the program as if the user’s chosen client software was the original CMM software.
How does CMMediator handles compensation values?
For error-maps that reside in the CMM controller – CMMediator simply transmits the points while they are already compensated by the original controller.
For error-maps which are located in the PC that runs the original CMM client software – CMMediator reads the map from that PC, and then creates its own error-map and use it to compensate the values coming from the CMM controller.
Where are the Benefits for CMM owners?
CMMediator enables you to purchase CMMs and metrology software products independently.
Your gain – freedom to select both CMMs and software packages, based on any consideration – technological, financial or otherwise.
You can use one standard metrology software for different CMM brands, decreasing the costs of operator training and increasing the flexability of staff deployment.
Your gain – cost-effectiveness and production efficiency.
Running different metrology software packages on one CMM, without having to buy or set apart a separate CMM for each software product.
Your gain – reduced investment and maintenance costs and increased work flexibility.
You can shift different metrology software packages among different CMMs. You are free to change combinations to bestsuit the application.
Your gain – maximum CMM productivity.
You can expand or upgrade the software without having to bear the expenses of rewriting part programs.
Your gain – major savings in both time and manpower.
You can retrofit CMMs/CMM controllers without having to bear any extra work or costs. You will still be able to run the existing part programs using the existing software.
Your gain – EasyCmm will take over and do the matching work.
Which CMM clients CMMediator supports?
PolyWorks™, MCosmos™, PcDmis™, Rational-Dmis™, Quartis™, CM™, Metrolog™, Calypso™, Power Inspect™, Verisuf™, TouchDMIS™, Modus™, Camio™, NX-CMM (Siemens) and practically any software that includes I++ client module.
Which CMM controllers CMMediator supports?
- Hexagon FB2/B3C
- Hexagon DC240C/DC800
- Hexagon RC1
- Leitz B3/B4/B5
- Mitutoyo UC100/UC200/UC300/UC400
- Mitutoyo CMMC-1/CMMC-3/CMMC-5
- LK Nikon NMC100/200/300
- Pantec Eagle
- Wenzel WPC 2010/2020/2030/2040
- Zeiss C99L
- Sheffield UMP 360
- Sharpe32
- SBElektronik
How much CMMediator costs?
Much less than a retrofit…